Haenyeo-rina_ A
grandma Haenyeo's Day


한국에 산다 - 제주댁 니카의 그림일기_#001

한국에 산다 - 제주댁 니카의 그림일기_#002

한국에 산다 - 제주댁 니카의 그림일기_#003
Haenyeo is a ballerina in the sea
You have to read it with letters when you read the title of Nika's fairy tale book Haenyeo-rina Nika, who came from Russia, encountered a female diver in Jeju Island and imagined a ballerina in the sea. This is because she felt that the material of ballet and haenyeo, which sublimates pain and creates beauty, were similar. It is said that just like all Korean children learn Taekwondo, all Russian children learn ballet.
Even her surname is Tchaikovsky. It follows her husband's surname, and the woman puts a Ya at the end of her husband's surname. Nika Tchaikovsky
Nika Becomes Korean in Jeju Island
Nika lives in Jeju Island with her husband who loves Korea, especially Jeju. Her husband teaches students as a professor of Russian at university . Among them, she was interested in Jeju haenyeo, so she studied haenyeo and drawed pictures and wrote writings. Her lifelong paintings, educational writings, and Jeju haenyeo were added to create a fairy tale book called Haenyeo-ri. It was written in Korean with the desire to be read by Korean children.
"I think haenyeo is a real feminist"
"You don't have to prove your existence to anyone."
"Stronger than men, their lives are feminism itself."
"The real feminist movement was already starting in Jeju."
by Nika
'Draw a portrait' she loves
I can feel that she has a warm heart after meeting her in person.
Another thing I feel as a humanist is that she enjoys painting portraits of people.
The people who received the portrait she drew love it. It is because the characteristics of the characters are extremely well captured, but they are younger and more beautiful than the real ones.
So her husband speaks in a funny. "Nika can't see very well."
You can see Nika's has a warm heart, seeing the world beautifully.

Nika Tchaikovskaya
Painter, storybook writer and illustrator
In 1972, in Russia, St. Born in Petersburg
1997, St. Petersburg Academy Art Department Graduate
After arriving in Korea in 2012, she worked as an illustration artist related to education for 20 years.
Korean teaching history, Happy House, Darakwon, etc.
In 2018, co-founded an independent publishing company of Tchaikovsky Family Books
2019, published a fairy tale book "Haenyeo-rina: A Haenyeo Grandma's Day"
Currently operating a guest house in Jeju with her husband
.while she engages in artistic activities